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February 5, 2017Target MH-CET 2017 (MBA/MMS) Past (2007 – 2016) + 6 Mock Tests

Product Details
Book Name:- Target MH-CET 2017 (MBA/MMS) Past (2007 – 2016) + 6 Mock Tests
Book Author:- Disha Experts
The book Target MH-CET 2017 (MBA/MMS) Past (2007 – 2016) + 6 Mock Tests is written by Disha Experts covering the maximum and useful syllabus for the MAH-CET entrance test being conducted in Maharastra to have admissions in b-colleges/schools/Universities of Maharastra and Mumbai. The book also provides for the solutions of previous question papers from 2007 up till last 2016 with 6 Mock test papers.
The book contains four broad sections that are:
1. English Language
2. Reasoning
3. Quantitative Aptitude
4. Data Interpretation and Sufficiency
As per announcement, the directorate of Technical Education (DTE) Maharashtra is conducting MAH MBA/MMS CET 2017 test on March 4 and 5, 2017 for admissions to MBA/MMS/PGDM 2017-19 in recognized college/universities of Maharashtra and Mumbai. The exam is conducted all over the country.
15% – 35% seat allocation is available for All India candidates appearing in MAH-CET exam. These candidates are also offered admission on the basis of their scores in All India MBA entrance exams like CAT, XAT, CMAT, MAT, ATMA.