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June 20, 2017In The Name of God by Ravi Subramanian

Book Title: In The Name of God
Book Author: Ravi Subramanian
Before you should download the pdf of In The Name of God by Ravi Subramanian you can have a review of the book contents.
The Anantha Padmanabha Swamy Temple in Thiruvananthapuram safeguards within its sacrosanct walls centuries of customs and rituals, unimaginable wealth and an unwavering calm. Until a dead body turns up in its holy pond . . . And then another.
The murders threaten to shake the temple’s very foundation, and when fingers point to its sealed vaults and its custodian, Aswathi Thirunal Dharmaraja Varma, the titular king of Travancore, all hell breaks loose. Meanwhile, a high-profile heist in a jewelry store at the Wafi Mall in Dubai leads investigators to a massive smuggling racket and brings Kabir Khan. Additional director of the CBI, into the heart of South India.
In Mumbai, a series of high-intensity explosions kills many, threatening to destroy the country’s most coveted diamond trade.Could these incidents be related? Racing against time, Kabir tries to unravel the puzzle. Separating fact from fiction, history from religion and put a stop to the killing spree. Slick, riveting and fast-paced, In the Name of God is Ravi Subramanian’s most gripping novel yet.
About The Author
Ravi Subramanian is an alumnus of IIM Bangalore, has spent two decades working his way up the ladder of power in the amazingly exciting and adrenaline-pumping world of global banks in India. He lives in Mumbai with his wife, Dharini, and daughter, Anusha.
He is awarded for his bestselling books four times. In 2008, his debut novel, If God Was a Banker, won the Golden Quill Readers’ Choice Award. He won the Economist Crossword Book Award in 2012 for The Incredible Banker. The Crossword Book Award in 2013 for The Bankster and more recently in 2014 for his thriller Bankrupt.
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In the Name of GOd .Please tell me when will you upload
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Please let me know when this book is available….in the name of god